Hello and Marimekko custom canvases!

Hi Everyone, Tyffany here, I work in web and graphics here at Relish and am excited to be blogging for such a great cause... good design!

I wanted to take a minute to share with you one of my favorite products at Relish, Marimekko Fabric, and the beautiful, custom and affordable wall panels that I created from this fantastic product.

These, easy to make, wall panels have added so much depth and sophistication to my apartment, I cannot even explain it, so let me just show you!

We like this idea so much that we are planning an entire evening around this affordable/d.i.y design opportunity!

Please Join us:
Thursday, June 4th from 6-8pm
Here at Relish, 1715 NW Lovejoy

We will be taking custom orders on canvases or getting you started with all you need to know on how to create your own. We are also offering 15% off custom orders on Thursday and Friday. Hope to see you there!!


New Fuse Four Rug Designs

hello everyone,

We are excited to finally have samples coming of the new Portland-based duo Fuse Four rugs. Here is a preview of the 7 designs they have available now (custom color ways by order!) and they are also on our website at www.shoprelish.com (type rug in the search field).

Harrietcabelly Blog