Company: PAD Outdoor Planters
About: PAD Outdoor is a Los Angeles based furniture design company specializing in products for outdoor use. In the tradition of Southern Californian endeavors such as the Case Study program and Architectural Pottery, PAD explores the concomitant relationship between the artistry of form and the market rationality of production.
Our aesthetics are unflinchingly contemporary. While our forms may have ancestors they are steadfastly of their generation and in the best sense of the word au courant. In addition to traditional design strategies such as form/function relationships, ergonomics, and materiality we engage humor and wit as propositions to infix our designs with something more than just formal characteristics. Yet, as formal compositions they can stand on their own.
*Yet another fun and unique product that has come into the store! It's like Trisha has an eye for these things or something... The come in sooo many different colors, many different styles and you can get a stand for them too. We have these ones here in the store right now but check out our website to see more colors!
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