Getting Help with Debts with an IVA » Free Articles Directory
In this day and age, it is not unusual for couples to need help with their debts. Weakness in the economy, the loss of a job or even a prolonged illness can sometimes result in the need for some sort of debt help. When this happens, it is important for couples to seek debt advice that is constructive and deals with their own individual circumstances .... Announcement. We open for new user registration, articles will be review everytime. please read privacy policy and TOS. ...
A.I.G. to Sue 2 Firms to Recover Some Losses |
In an unusual twist, A.I.G. no longer owns the mortgage bonds that will be the subject of the suits. The company sold them to the New York Federal Reserve in 2008 in a deal called “Maiden Lane II.†At the time of that sale, A.I.G. was paid about half of the bonds' face value â€" locking in a .... In an announcement on Wednesday, they stressed that the latest bill designed to relieve prison overcrowding had minimal impact on the Nafplio prison, which was currently holdi [… ...

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